Kat Theophanous MP

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Thousands of solar panels will soon roll out across Victorian apartment buildings – slashing power bills by around $500 a year thanks to the Albanese and Allan Labor Government’s Solar for Apartments program.

Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio today announced applications are now open for the first round of the $16 million program - which will make it cheaper and easier for apartment residents to install rooftop solar.

Successful applicants will receive rebates of up to $2,800 per apartment, or up to $140,000 per building for up to 50 apartments to install solar panels on their rooftop.

The program will help around 5,000 households including owners and renters to save money on the upfront cost of installing solar, cut their energy bills, improve the value of the apartments and reduce emissions. 

More than 250,000 Victorian households have installed solar panels through the Allan Labor Government’s Solar Homes program – saving them around $1000 a year on their energy bills and even more if they go all electric.

The take up of solar on apartments has been much lower due to the complexity and costs, and Solar for Apartments will help fix this by reducing upfront costs and streamlining the installation process.

Around 12 per cent of Victoria’s 2.5 million households live in apartments, with around 63 per cent of these occupied by renters.

More than 500 parties including owners corporations, apartment residents, and rental providers have already registered their interest in participating.

Rebates will be available to apartment buildings up to eight storeys with between 5 to 50 apartments – ensuring the solar installation can provide meaningful energy bill savings for residents.

Owners corporations will have the choice to install either multiple individual solar PV systems, a single large solar PV system coupled with solar sharing technology, or a combination of both.

The program has been developed in consultation with industry, local government and strata community representatives. Round 1 applications are open until April 15. For more information visit solar.vic.gov.au 

Quote attributable to Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D’Ambrosio

“This is all about making it easier for Victorians that live in apartments to install solar - so they can slash their power bills by $500 and help us cut emissions.”

Quote attributable to Commonwealth Minister for Energy Chris Bowen

“In the past it’s been difficult for apartment dwellers to install of solar due to complicated procedures and costs – this program will overcome those barriers and power more Australian homes with renewables.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Metropolitan Sheena Watt

“More Victorians are choosing to live in apartments and programs like this will mean they can reap the benefits of renewables, saving them money on their bills and helping to tackle climate change at the same time.”