
Wales STreet Primary SchooL

Upgrade and Modernisation

Investment: $4.1 million
Status: Completed

One of the commitments I made in 2018 was to deliver an upgrade for Wales Street Primary School.

Being able to announce to the School Community in May of 2019 that I had secured their funding in my very first budget as an MP was a thrill. And its great to see the school now on its journey to modernisation.

Some of the original buildings have been there since 1891, so its not surprising that they might be a bit tired. The $4.1 million project will deliver a refurbishment and modernisation that will include modern and new STEM learning areas and collaboration and withdrawal space.

The administration areas will also be transformed to make life easier for staff, students and parents.

It was a pleasure to join with the School Community to announce that Tectura Architects were appointed late last year to design the new, modern facilities - check out some of their previous successes - here.

In October I was able to let the school community know that SimBuilt were awarded the tender to bring the designs to life.


For more information on the Project you can also visit the Victorian School Building Authority website - here.